Искренне люблю своё дело: люблю переводить тексты на самые разные темы. Всегда подробно изучаю тему, чтобы использовать термины, которые будут на 100% передавать смысл первоисточника.
Shortlist of notable projects:
- ISPE Good Practice Guide: Good Engineering Practice (Eng - Rus)
- Report on Canine Blood Transfusion (Eng - Rus)
- Construction documentation: Technical re-equipment of the regional factory laboratory of LLC "Wrigley" (Rus - Eng)
- Christian readings journal (Rus - Eng)
- Web content mining and implementation of documentation for creation of the first transport association in Russia (Rus - Eng, Eng - Rus)
- Documentation for the World bank for creation of transport model of Kiev
- Construction documentation: Transport interchange hub "Lakhta"