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Рецепты Приготовления Алкогольных Коктелей

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Продам Редкую Книгу Рецептов Приготовления Алкогольных Коктелей - The Art Of Mixing Drinks: Helpful Hints For The Hostess Bartender Book
Версия Deluxe Fifth Edition, 1956 год, отпечатанно в США. Пластиковая гребенка, пластиковая крышка, 229 страниц.
Размер 10х14 см, язык Англйский.
Стоимость с доставкой до Вашего города.
"The Legend of Liqueurs, Wines and Spirits. What to Serve, When to Serve, How to Serve It. Got all that?
This is quite a charming book! What makes it the most interesting is that most of these recipes are probably completely archaic and haven't been sipped in decades.The Rum fustian? Tip Top Punch? Brace Up? Don't they sound tempting? There's also a glossary and cooking recipes towards the back - this is a one stop book in vintage serving! Give your next party an authentic retro flair with some help from this little book!"

Было найдено: 01.04.2019
